Arterio Venous Fistula And Graft For Dialysis

Arterio Venous Fistula And Graft For Dialysis
AV fistula and AV graft are surgical vascular access options that you need before you begin regular hemodialysis treatments. AV fistula, used for long-term dialysis, connects a selected artery and a vein directly. An AV graft connects the artery and vein indirectly, through a tube and graft.
Hemodialysis is a kidney treatment in which blood goes into an external machine called a dialyzer. The dialyzer filters out wastes and extra fluid from your blood and pumps the blood back into your body. For effective hemodialysis, the dialyzer requires large amounts of blood. AV fistula and AV graft placement allow large amounts of blood to flow continuously and smoothly during dialysis.